I was able to go to the Indy 500 again this year, special thanks to my girlfriends' parents. It was a great experience, and it's a cool event that I'd encourage everyone to see at least once. These images aren't just from the race, but spread out over all the events of the weekend.
I've been contemplating creating a photographic series called "Race Fans." It's still in the initial stages, and will take quite a bit more work (and quite a few more races) before it nears completion, but here is some dabbling in the project:
So, lately, I've been working on a whole ton of stuff. I've had a few shoots, and I've been shooting on my own a lot. I've even been revisiting older pictures that I never got around to sharing. I guess I'll start there, and I'll try to make this a series of posts. These I took in California last summer, almost a year ago: